What is an Apostille?

An Apostille, French for “certification,” is a form of authentication issued to documents that will be used overseas. If you reside in the United States, an Apostille is provided by the Office of the Secretary of State of the State where the document/certificate was issued. The Apostille is attached to the original document to verify it is legitimate and authentic so it will be accepted in one of the other countries i.e. Italy who are members of the 1961 Hague Convention.
If you are applying for Italian Dual Citizenship, all U.S. Birth/Marriage/Divorce/Death records that are certified by the U.S. State Registrar related to the "Italian side" must bear an Apostille (except for the Certificate of Naturalization and/or similar documentation). Note: Italian vital records do not need to be Apostilled.
If you are applying for Italian Dual Citizenship in Italy, additional documents, such as the naturalization certificate or the statement of no record issued by the federal government must also be Apostilled by the United States Department of State.
The Apostille does not need to be translated to Italian.
New to the Process? My Italian Family is offering a FREE 15-minute Telephone Consultation for applicants of Italian dual citizenship who have questions regarding QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS, required documentation, ESTIMATED COST, timelines, and tips on how to make an appointment with the Italian Consulate here in the U.S. (among other questions). We will also perform some free preliminary research to establish if you have a path to Italian Citizenship! Simply call us at 1-844-745-1114 (Option 1) Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.
Alternatively, you can book your FREE Consultation at your convenience HERE.