Get the Answers You Need to Apply for Italian Citizenship (Part 2)
No doubt that this sudden global health crisis has forced us to put a few projects aside. However, with more restrictions on our daily activities, we may have more time available. For those of you who are thinking or are in the process of applying for Italian Dual Citizenship, this could be a good time to get started. In order to assist you, we are providing the answers to a few of the most common questions:
- How long does the process of obtaining Italian Dual Citizenship take?
- When should I make an appointment with my Italian Consulate?
- Why should I apply here in the US vs applying in Italy?

How long does the process of obtaining Italian Dual Citizenship take?
Determining the length of time it takes to reach a goal can often be found by comparing it to a similar process. For example: Obtaining U.S. citizenship for a foreigner takes between four and thirteen years (or longer); you should be happy to know that the process of obtaining Italian Dual Citizenship jure sanguinis (by right of blood) takes WAY LESS than thirteen years, in fact, in most cases, much less than four.
Let's analyze the process step by step:
- Gathering Italian vital records to prove your ancestor(s) was indeed born in Italy and if applicable, married there - An average of two (2) months.
- Gathering of U.S. Naturalization Records or proof of No-Naturalization which also includes certified copies of U.S. Census records - An average of three (3) months.
- Gathering of all U.S. Vital records, issued in the correct format, with certification - The range is extremely wide based on where the request is sent, i.e. state level, township level, and of course which state and which township. Overall, it can take an average of six (6) months. If US Vital records need to be amended to correct name or date errors, tack on another two (2) months.
- Gathering the Apostilles or legalization of all U.S. Vital Records (which sometime also includes Naturalization Records) - An average of one (1) month or less.
- Translating all the U.S. documents to Italian (depending on the translator) - An average of one (1) month or less.
So overall, the process of completing all these steps in preparing your ‘document portfolio’ is about six (6) to twelve (12) months, if you take into consideration that some documents may need to be amended. Once your application is accepted at the Italian Consulate, it takes about a year before your vital information is recorded in Italy; once that takes place, you are eligible to receive for an Italian passport. Yay!
When should I make an appointment with my Italian Consulate?
It is advisable that as soon as you determine your eligibility for Italian dual citizenship (with Italian vital record(s) and proof of naturalization), you make an appointment with the Italian Consulate that has jurisdiction over the state where you reside. Wait times for appointments vary greatly, on average it’s about two (2) years. Please remember you cannot choose your Italian Consulate.
Why should I apply here in the U.S. vs apply in Italy?
You have the choice to apply for Italian Dual Citizenship in Italy and cut the wait time at the Italian Consulates in half. Great news, but you will have to become a permanent resident of Italy and you will still be required to present to the Italian town hall (comune) official your complete document portfolio (Italian and U.S. Vital Records, proof of Naturalization, Apostilles and Translations to Italian). Thus, the process of preparing your application takes the same amount of time whether you apply in the U.S. or in Italy and that cannot be fast tracked.
At My Italian Family, we don’t just give advice, we handle all the purchasing and preparation of your entire portfolio of documents, whether you apply at an Italian Consulate here in the U.S. or you apply in Italy (including 1948 Challenge Courts Cases). Our experience spans the past 20 years, and we have expert knowledge of what each Italian Consulate requires, as well as what the Italian Courts require. Get Started by taking our FREE Eligibility Assessment.
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