Discounts for OSDIA Members

OSDIA Mission
OSDIA is the acronym for the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, the largest and longest-established Italian-American organization in the country (founded in 1905). Its purpose is to enrich Italian heritage nationwide through programs in education, cultural preservation, grass-roots initiatives, charitable fundraising, and by strengthening the ties between the U.S. and Italy. These initiatives are worked on by OSIA along with its two subsidiaries, its philanthropic arm, the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) and its anti-defamation arm, the Commission for Social Justice (CSJ).
To become part of OSDIA and have full access to the Online Community, the cost is $35 a year. A portion of this membership fee will be used to promote Italian culture and heritage, award scholarships to young Italian Americans at leading universities, donate funds to medical research, disaster relief efforts, education, cultural preservation and other important projects and more. In addition, members will be able to access the digital version of Italian America magazine every month, as well as interact with others who share your interest in all things Italian.
The OSDIA National Office is located in the Capitol Hill area of Washington, DC at 219 E Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002. For further information on membership, please visit or contact the OSDIA Office at 202-547-2900.
In partnership with The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America®, My Italian Family® offers a 10% Discount on all of its services to OSDIA Members.
Make sure you have the OSDIA Promotion Code to receive your discount at check-out. To learn the OSIA Promotion code please call 1-202-547-2900. Alternatively, you can call us at 1-888-472-0171 (Option #4).
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