The COST of Applying for Italian Dual Citizenship

You are about to embark on the journey to Italian Dual Citizenship, but before getting started you are wondering about the costs involved. Wise thinking!
The cost varies based on how many generations exist between you and your Italian ancestor who emigrated to your country. For instance, these are the costs that you will likely incur:
- You will need your Italian ancestor’s birth, marriage and death certificates, as applicable.
- A certified copy of your Italian Ancestor's Naturalization papers or, in case he or she was never naturalized, you will need to perform some additional research in the Census Records and with the National Archives.
- New official and certified copies of birth, marriage divorce and death records of all your ancestors in your lineage from your native/current country, including your own. These are usually ordered from your State or Province vital statistic offices.
- You will need to have your State or Province provide you with an International Apostilles or legalization for each document.
- These non-Italian documents (with the exception of the Naturalization documents and Apostilles) will need to be translated to Italian.
- The Italian Consulate where you will officially apply for citizenship will charge you an application fee. As of July 8th, 2014, all applications for the recognition of the Italian citizenship Jure Sanguinis (by descent) and Jure Matrimonii (for foreign national whose husband is an Italian citizen married prior to April 27, 1983) are subject to the PAYMENT OF A € 300 FEE (approx $340) Anyone over the age of 18, asking to be recognized as an Italian citizen, is subject to pay the consular fee. The fee is subject to change depending on the exchange rate. The application fee is NON-REFUNDABLE, regardless of the outcome of the petition.
- Eventually, when you receive your citizenship, you will incur fees to order your Italian Passport, which is approximately $145 for five years.
- Finally the cost differs GREATLY if you do it yourself (with some help), versus hiring a company or a law firm that will do it for you.
Let My Italian Family Do The Work For You!
Give us a call! We offer a FREE Telephone Consultation for applicants who have questions regarding qualification, required documentation, estimated cost, timelines, and tips on how to make an appointment with an Italian Consulate here in the U.S. (among other questions). We will also perform some free preliminary research to establish if you have a path to Italian Citizenship! Call us at 1-844-741-0848, we are ALWAYS OPEN!
Alternatively, you can book your FREE consultation at your convenience.
At My Italian Family, we provide FULL assistance, handling all the purchasing and preparation of your entire portfolio of documents, whether you apply at an Italian Consulate here in the U.S. or you apply in Italy (including 1948 Challenge Courts Cases). Our experience spans 20 years, and we have expert knowledge of what each Italian Consulate requires and what the Italian Courts require. TO GET STARTED AND FOR MORE INFORMATION, CLICK HERE.
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