Italian Citizenship by Descent
At My Italian Family, we have been helping people with their Italian Dual Citizenship Applications for over 20 years. We offer full assistance with our Full "Start to Finish" Program for people who do not have time to work on their application or want to rely on our knowledge and professional experience.

Please select the Full Start-to-Finish Program that fits your Family History
Whether your Italian born immigrant is your parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, or great-great-grandparent, choose the lineage that fits your case and fill our the form to the best of your knowledge. Please call us at 1-844-741-0848 if you have questions about the program or whether or not you qualify for Italian Citizenship.
What each Full Start to Finish Option includes:
- Priority Client Status, with professional Project Manager assigned to your project
- Genealogy Research to identify vital record dates and locations, if missing
- Purchase of all required Italian Vital Records
- Purchase of Naturalization Proof Documents
- Purchase of all required US Vital Records
- Obtain the required Apostilles
- All administrative and shipping fees are included
- Conduct the required Translations of US Records to Italian
- Periodic Project Updates, Ongoing Zoom Consultations as required, etc.
- Support with making an appointment at the Italian Consulate
- Conduct the Document Review Consultation (determination of the need for amendments)
- Preparation of all the Application Forms required by the Italian Consulate (an average of four or more)
- Preparation Call prior to your appointment with the Italian Consulate
- Continued assistance to meet any additional requests, post Consulate Appointment
- Post Citizenship Recognition - Assistance with AIRE Registration and Passport Request
Frequently Asked Questions
As soon as your order comes through, we will send you a Family Chart for you to complete to the best your knowledge. Once we receive it back, we will confirm your eligibility and email you the full proposal/contract tailored to your situation. A Project Manager will then be assigned to you so that the project can officially start.
NOTE: If we determine that you do not qualify, the down payment amount will be refunded to you.
The Full Start-to-Finish Program includes:
• Priority Client Status, with professional Project Manager assigned to your project
• Genealogy Research to identify vital record dates and locations, if missing
• Purchase of all required Italian Vital Records
• Purchase of Naturalization Proof Documents
• Purchase of all required US Vital Records
• Obtain the required Apostilles
• All administrative and shipping fees are included
• Conduct the required Translations of US Records to Italian
• Periodic Project Updates, Ongoing Zoom Consultations as required, etc.
• Conduct the Document Review Consultation (determination of the need for amendments)
• Preparation of all the Application Forms required by the Italian Consulate (an average of four or more) - Additional fee
• Preparation Call prior to your appointment with the Italian Consulate
• Continued assistance to meet any additional requests, post Consulate Appointment - Additional Fee
• Post Citizenship Recognition - Assistance with AIRE Registration and Passport Request - Additional Fee
The overall cost is based on the total number of documents that we will have to procure according to your family lineage. Upon receipt of your order and of the completed family chart, you will receive a customized proposal, with a detailed list of the required documents and the total estimated fees.
NOTE: Our Start to Finish Program includes collection of birth, marriage, death, and divorce records from both Italy and the US. (if applicable, adoption records, official name change decrees, etc.)
Additional costs will be incurred for records from New York State (not New York City Boroughs), such as Legal Fees for Court Orders.
If amendments of US Vital Records are required, My Italian Family will provide you with a cost estimate after conducting our Document Review Consultation. Please note that several States here in the US require Court Orders to amend vital records.
Our quoted price includes all the normal expenses, including government fees, and postage.
Translations to Italian will be priced at the end of the project.
Our goal is to complete your project in approximately 12 months, but could be longer based on the slowness of government agencies to fulfill orders, etc. We work in both a serial fashion and a parallel fashion in collecting documents based on Italian and State laws. Because of this, the times shown below may overlap.
Italian Vital Records take about 2-6 months to fulfill.
Naturalization Papers take about 2-6 months to fulfill.
US Vital Records take between 2 and 6 months to fulfill.
Apostilles take about 2-4 weeks, and
Translations take between 2 and 4 weeks.
Possible Amendments to US Vital Records (based on the State, ranges from 2 weeks to 12 months)
We offer free tools online on our website to determine if you qualify. Check our Citizenship Quiz and our “Learn if you Qualify” Section.
If you are not sure you qualify for Italian Dual Citizenship through your Parent/Grandparent/Great-Grandparent/Great Great-grandparent, please call us at 1-844-741-0848 or simply book your FREE 30-minute Telephone Consultation at:
If you are applying for Italian Dual Citizenship through a "female" line, you may fall in the category of those born to an Italian female ancestor before 1948. The 1912 Citizenship Law granting Italian citizenship jure sanguinis stated that women could hold but not pass citizenship to their children. However, in 1948 when Italy became a Republic a new Constitution did allow for women to pass on citizenship but only to children born after January 1, 1948. The Italian Supreme Court recently held that this provision is contrary to the Constitutional principles, particularly to the principle of equality between men and women (Judgement No. 4466/2009). Thus, also children who are born before 1948 to an Italian mother, may file a motion to appeal the "1948 Rule" and obtain, if eligible, Italian citizenship.
Even though the Italian Supreme Court ruled against the 1948 Rule, the Italian government has not yet chosen to modify or amend the current law. US Italian Consulates and other Italian Consulates outside of Italy strictly adhere to the current 1948 Rule. Thus, the legal action to be filed at the Court House in Rome is your only way to obtain citizenship. More here (
If filing the “Challenge 1948 Lawsuit in Italy, at the appropriate time (usually when the Start-to-Finish program is completed), we connect you with our affiliate law firm in Italy to discuss the process for them to represent you. Additional legal fees will then be incurred, usually around €6,750 plus €150 for each additional adult applicant joining in on the Petition (prices subject to change for this Lawsuit).
By law, you can only apply at the Italian Consulate that has jurisdiction over the State where you permanently reside. For a list of Italian Consulates here in the US, please visit:
For information on how to apply in Italy, because you are planning to permanently move there, or to fast-track your application in the Italian Courts for "Denial of Justice", please call us at 1-844-741-0848.
Yes, they can; minor children become Italian citizens automatically with you at no additional cost.
If multiple family members reside under the same Consular Jurisdiction, they will all be able to share the same document portfolio. Each adult applicant is required to book a separate appointment with the Italian Consulate.
If all of you reside in different states that are under different Consular Jurisdictions, then multiple document portfolios all in original will be required to present to each Consulate. Remember: Italian Consulates do not share any documentation and they do NOT return any of your documents.
Because of the growing number of applicants, Italian Consulates are overwhelmed. Timelines are getting longer; currently appointments at some Consulates are booked 2+ years out. However, we are seen more and more Consulate making appointments available a few months out, for applicants who are ready to present their document portfolio. Make sure you are registered with the online booking system called Prenot@Mi of the Italian Consulate that has jurisdiction over the State where you permanently reside so you can start looking for an appointment. Read our instructions on how to book an appointment with the Italian Consulate.
Remember: getting your document portfolio ready in case you can secure an appointment either from another person’s cancellation or by finding a closer date in the next year or so can be helpful. Note: once a vital record has been legalized with an Apostille, it does not have an expiration date.
If you don't want to wait years for your Italian Citizenship recognition letter to reach your inbox, there is a way to petition the Italian Courts on the basis that the Consulates’ unreasonable delays and failing to provide an appointment can be viewed as a “denial of justice”. This process consists of filing a court action in Italy against the delay and request adjudication by the court if you have evidence that it is impossible to obtain an appointment within a reasonable timeframe at the Italian Consulate where you live, (this option does not require taking formal residency in Italy).
If the document meets the Apostille requirements of the State, it could be used. Since “long-form” vital records are required, some older copies might be short form. We will determine with you, which of your documents can be used. Remember, the Consulate keeps all your documents, so you may not want to give up “original” vital records of your ancestors, opting to purchase new versions instead.
We will create a professional notebook/portfolio for you that includes your application forms, all required documents, required Apostilles, and required translations. These will be organized in the format that the Consulate requires. Italy does not allow you to bring a third-party advisor, consultant, etc. so you will represent yourself at the meeting. To support you, we will conduct a preparation session with you prior to your Consulate meeting.

Questions? Schedule your Free Call now!
Since the year 2000, our team of Italian & US lawyers and research experts has helped thousands of customers successfully obtain their Italian Dual Citizenship and reconnect to their Roots in Italy.